Front-end developer contracted for six month contract on the new House of The Oireachtas website launching during centenary celebration of the Irish Government.
Converted Sketch files into templates using Nunjucks and HTML.
Mobile first delivery with two breakpoints.
Content and styles divided into components, modules, partials.
Front-end developed with Flexbox with support to Internet explorer 10.
Developed mixin library for easy customisation of components.
Responsible for developing multiple hosted payment pages to meet the latest PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance standards. Integrated with Stripe payments to facilitate card checks on the client side.
Converted user requirements into wireframes, prototypes and a final product.
Analysed key metrics (e.g. browser, visit volume, location) and identified core browsers.
Created a list of browser features, establishing feature tests in Modernizr.
Integrated with Stripe payments libraries for client side luhn check.
Implemented a suite of tests in Ruby and Selenium along with BrowserStack.
Worked on SPA with Angular and D3.
Part of a two person team accountable for building, developing and maintaining the company brand through enforcing a style guide and coding standards for all front-end development.
Transformed previous screens to latest branding while revising UX.
Created interactive prototypes to recreate potential flow of data.
Maintained relationships with QA to find and document bugs.
Designed and developed views on top of backbone, using handlebars and html.
Given an opportunity to exhibit my skills and knowledge as a college Tutor for 120 postgraduate students. Brought my own ideas to teaching based on my own experiences of learning to code, ensuring an interactive lab session twice a week.
Introduced students to HTML, CSS and Javascript in semester one.
Created interactive websites using PHP and mySQL in semester two.
Reverse engineered assignments to ensure students understood semantics.
Reviewed suspicious activity reports in compliance with established regulatory guidelines. Gathered regulatory differences between several countries, compiling reports on risk.
Performed the required KYC screenings on customers.
Developed AML /KYC reports on questionable accounts and transactions.
Assisted Compliance department moving regulatory reports to cloud developing front end portal.